Live Long, Die Short: A Guide to Authentic Health and Successful Aging

by Roger Landry

This book is a guide for the reader of any age to rediscover the healthy lifestyle lessons of ancestors, to evaluate her own lifestyle, and to follow the road map of this knowledge to better health, robust resilience, and a more successful aging experience.

But it is much more. This book is a call to action. Because we’ve learned that what we need to be healthy is not determined by the next new machine, or diet, or pill, but by the experience and lifestyle of eons of our ancestors; that these authentic needs are basic and should be easily met but are becoming rare in our fast-moving, high stress world. And because we’ve learned that so much more is possible as we age; that decline does need not define our aging experience.

Because of all this new knowledge, we have a moral imperative, we must act: to bring these authentic lifestyle elements back into our individual lives; to reboot our living environments to ensure that all who live in them are more likely to continue to grow as they age, and reduce the time they are sick, impaired, or dehumanized (compression of morbidity); and to commit to a public policy that facilitates rather than impedes our likelihood of living long and dying short.


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