Reviving Workplace Joy: Transforming Stress into Stimulation

Now, considering staffing shortages and the need to attract and retain good people, it is more important than ever to look around and ask, ‘Would working here bring me joy?’  People working in senior and long-term care settings have reported feelings of stress and burnout for years, let's change that! Pi's interior design team can help you reimage your spaces and help bring happiness to your team.

While you’re thinking about things like sign-on bonuses, onboarding programs, and tuition reimbursement, don’t forget the value of appealing, comfortable surroundings that maximize efficiency and minimize stress – the things that renew and increase the joy of work:

Maximize comfort and safety.

  • Support your team with a breakroom or a lounge. If space is limited, consider repurposing an unused area or apartment into a spot where a refrigerator stocked with bottled water, juice, and healthy snacks like fruit and yogurt can provide a boost during a long day.

  • Promote productivity and reduce stress by creating a work environment that incorporates natural lighting as much as possible. Natural light has been shown to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, contributing to better mental health and overall happiness among employees.

  • Consider ergonomically designed chairs and other furniture that provide support and comfort, particularly for workers whose jobs require them to sit at a desk for long periods.

  • Choosing room colors is important when creating spaces for activities vs concentration. A well-thought-out color scheme can enhance the work environment; Contributing to a more positive and productive workplace.

  • Ensure the workplace is clean and safe. Have hand sanitizers and other measures to ensure cleanliness and prevent the spread of infections.

Enable personalized workspaces.

  • Enable ways for team members to incorporate the things they love at work. Have places where people can keep photos, memorabilia, and items that evoke memories and happy times.

  • Create spaces for awards they’ve received or ask a colleague to share what they appreciate about the person and post this in their workspace, these kinds of efforts remind people what they’re working for and why they matter.

     Promote a Sense of Purpose.

  • Install a wall of gratitude to remind the team of the impacts of their work on the residents' lives, emphasizing their meaningful roles.  Share success stories and positive feedback from residents and their families. Residents and staff alike can be encouraged to write or post pictures on it that express what they are most grateful for. Implement a recognition program to highlight exceptional work. This can include team member of the month awards, shout-outs during meetings, or small tokens of appreciation.

    Name the spaces.

  • This may seem trite, but words matter. Having spaces labeled, for example, ‘Meditation Room,’ ‘Communication Room,’ ‘Refresh Suite,’ or ‘Relaxation Station’ reminds people how they can use these spaces and reminds them that management cares about their wellbeing.

    Create and encourage opportunities for staff to connect with residents.

  • Organize social events, team-building activities, or themed days to boost morale. Having spaces that the residents and staff can use and where they can interact as peers encourages social engagement.

  • Allowing team members to teach a class or share their expertise like cooking or crafting can positively affect the residents and the team members.

    Enhance Work-Life Balance.

  • Consider pop-up shops or food trucks to make it easier for staff to get food, shop for holiday gifts, etc.

  •  Provide resources for stress management and mental health support.

  • Offering professional, development opportunities such as training sessions, workshops, or courses can also enrich the connection between the community and team members.

  • Encourage cross-training to allow staff to learn new skills and roles.

  • When possible, offer flexible scheduling to help staff manage their work and personal lives.


    People care about joy. Recapturing the joy of work takes a little effort and some reimagining of your spaces. Contact us for ways you can bring more energy, joy, and engagement to your spaces.

    Pi Architects | Contact us here or call us at 512-231-1910.


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