Nurturing Wellness: From Isolation to Celebration


One positive arising from the pandemic is a renewed appreciation for wellness and self-care. As a result, National Wellness Month, celebrated every August, has never been more significant.  

Wellness Month was born out of the idea that if we are going to do big things in the world –build our careers, raise a family, further our education, create new ideas, and nurture our bodies – we need to take care of ourselves.

This is a great opportunity to connect with your residents and remind them of the ways you support and nurture their physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. Consider promoting daily wellness activities throughout the month. These might include:

  • Make a list 5 things you’re grateful for.

  • Get outside.

  • Reach out to a friend.

  • Stop and stretch.

  • Perform a random act of kindness.

  • Sing a favorite song.

  • Enjoy some favorite memories (look through photo albums, an old school yearbook, or a scrapbook).

  • Watch a favorite movie.

  • Take a nap.

  • Meditate/pray.

You can celebrate some special wellness events once a week, such as:

  • Healthy breakfast day: Deliver baskets with fresh fruits, yogurt, and other healthy foods.

  • Socially distant dance party. Have live or recorded music outside and encourage residents to dance in front of the window or on their patios or balconies.

  • Silent disco. Wireless headsets can be used to enable people to listen to the same music in their rooms throughout the building.

  • Feed the mind day. Encourage residents to watch a documentary or a TED talk. Launch a community-wide book club and start with a book that has a health/wellness theme.

  • Movie night. Show a movie outside on a screen or blank wall, and encourage residents to watch from their windows, patios, or balcony; or set up a makeshift “drive-in theater.” Distribute contact-free snack bags with popcorn and other treats.

  • Weekly wellness. Provide residents with a weekly list of wellness/health-related videos or movies they can watch, blogs to read, or books to order. Have a weekly guest speaker who residents can listen to in their apartments/rooms or outside in a socially distant setting.

While providing activities and special events during a pandemic is challenging, you can always go back to the basics: eat well, move your body, get enough sleep, stay connected to others, show gratitude, and manage stress.

Pi has long been passionate about wellness. Contact us at (512)231-1910 or here to talk about you can integrate cutting-edge wellness efforts in your community. And check out some of our thoughts on wellness-related topics:

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